+64 27 459 6060 tracy@pluscoaching.co.nz

Career Development & Coaching

How often do you reflect on your career and desire to reach your true potential? Are you wanting to reach the next level or even decide on all that is ‘next’ for you? Are you wanting to fly high towards your goals rather than simply treading water? If your answer is ‘YES’ then coaching is the vehicle to help you achieve these goals.

Are you at a cross road in your career?

Have you recognised that your true potential hasn’t been reached yet? Are you settling in a role and feel like you have stalled?

Have you been saying to yourself:

“I feel stale in my role and what I do no longer inspires and excites me”.

“I am unsure where my passion in employment really lies”.

“I want more out of my role and career”.

“I have more to offer and I want to explore my options”.

“I want to manage myself and my time better”.

“I want to have a better balance”.

Perhaps you are wanting more out of your career by increasing your skills and knowledge, confidently challenging yourself to work passionately towards goals that excite you. Is it time to drive yourself and your career towards your ultimate destination?

Benefits of coaching

The greatest benefit of coaching is achieving your personalised goals and putting yourself firmly in the drivers seat of your own career potential and opportunity.

Clients have reported many positive outcomes where coaching has helped them to:

  • Clearly articulate goals and set actions to achieve them
  • Contribute more effectively towards team and organisational goals
  • Think more strategically and be aware of how their thoughts have the power to either sabotage or strengthen their actions.
  • Identify areas for skill development.
  • Recognise their own voice through the 5 Voices assessment and manage both themselves and their relationships better.
  • Create a greater sense of purpose in their role.

5 Voices for Career Development

Everyone Speaks. Not Everyone is Heard.


You have a leadership voice to guide and direct you.


Discover which one is yours!

Brain Based Coaching

Based on cutting-edge research and offering tools and skills to help you effectively create higher performance.

Understand the neuroscience and become insight-driven towards all that is important to you. Create new conversations, setting inspiring, achievable goals and develop new habits that will achieve even greater levels of both success and satisfaction. Learn how to apply groundbreaking skills in real-time to generate measurable results.

To facilitating your empowered change

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